W I N T E R 2 0 2 5
Monday Meditation
8–Week Meditation Journey
with Dr. Michele Kambolis
Gain profound strength
and awareness
in yourself and for others.
Consciously Build a Life You Love
You’ve Had the Tools You Need to Transform Your Life All Along
Whether you are facing a health crisis, mental health struggle, or feel you’re held back by old inner patterning, mind-body medicine can help you to move beyond your genetic wiring. You have the profound ability to heal at any age.
Rediscover Yourself with When Women Rise
An empowering guide to strengthen your mind, body, and soul

Practices for letting go
and supporting your
nervous system.
Finding True Self in Nature
Free Audio Meditation Guide
with Michele Kambolis:
This meditation will support you toward becoming deeply present and expansively aware. Practiced daily, this meditation will help you metabolize held emotion, heal your nervous system, and amplify energy.
Every Monday from 7pm to 8pm PST, join a growing community on Zoom for a guided meditation experience. These sessions provide step-by-step instructions, helping you to delve deeply into the practice of meditation and find a sense of peace and clarity in real time.
Explore our selection of self-care items, thoughtful gifts, and inspirational books. Each product is carefully chosen to enhance your journey towards a more serene, joyful, and fulfilling life. Visit our shop to discover treasures that support and uplift your everyday practice.
For those seeking flexibility in their meditation practice, join me on Insight Timer. As the world’s largest platform for meditation, yoga, and sleep, it offers a sanctuary for reducing anxiety, grounding yourself, and cultivating happiness at your own pace and place.
Start a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Michele or one of her registered clinical therapists. Through personalized therapy sessions, gain insight and strength both within yourself and in your interactions with others. Schedule your session today.
About Michele
Michele’s Latest Media Appearances
10 Ways Therapists Personally Deal With Seasonal Depression
Transforming Our Life With Ritual (p 15-17)
Everyday Health: 5 Lesser-Known Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship
Westcoast Families Magazine: Why It’s Time To Talk About Postpartum Anxiety (p12-13)
Romper Magazine: How To Stop Worrying About Miscarriage, According To Experts
Huffington Post: How To Manage Your Anxiety Around Constantly Calculating COVID Risk
Thriving Mother Podcast: When Women Rise
Raw Beauty Podcast: The Vagus Nerve : A Key to Wellbeing with Michele Kambolis
Let’s Put the Rad in Radical Podcast: When Women Rise
The Feed with Fiona: Walking in the Path of a Therapist
Raw Beauty Talks: Getting Your Ass To The Mat…The Power of Meditation with Michele Kambolis
Raw Beauty Talks: How to Find Freedom from Anxiety with Therapist Michele Kambolis